59 My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me

Lift Every Voice and Sing II 59

My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me

[i trust in god wherever i may be]
W. C. Martin
Charles H. Gabriel (1856-1932); J. Jefferson Cleveland (1937-1988); Verolga Nix (b. 1933)

1 I trust in God wherever I may be, Upon the land or on the rolling sea; For come what may, from day to day,

Refrain: My heav’nly Father watches over me. I trust in God, I know He cares for me, On mountain bleak or on the stormy sea; Though billows roll, He keeps my soul, My heavn’ly Father watches over me.

2 He makes the rose an object of His care, He guides the eagle through the pathless air; And surely He remembers me, [Refrain]

3 I trust in God, for, in the lion’s den, On battlefield, or in the prison pen; Through praise or blame, through flood or flame, [Refrain]

4 The valley may be dark, the shadows deep, But oh, the shepherd guards His lonely sheep; And through the gloom, He’ll lead me home, [Refrain]

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