218 A hymn of glory let us sing

The Hymnal 1982 218

A hymn of glory let us sing

deo gracias
The Venerable Bede, 673-735; Elizabeth Rundle Charles, 1828-1896; Benjamin Webb, 1819-1885
Richard Proulx, b. 1937; E. Power Biggs, 1906-1977
Meter with alleluias
Tune Source(s)
English ballad melody, Trinity College MS., 15th cent.

1. A hymn of glory let us sing, new hymns throughout the world shall ring; by a new way none ever trod Christ takes his place--the throne of God!

2. You are a present joy, O Lord; you will be ever our reward; and great the light in you we see to guide us to eternity.

3. O risen Christ, ascended Lord, all praise to you let earth accord, who are, while endless ages run, with Father and with Spirit, One.

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