484 Praise the Lord through every nation

The Hymnal 1982 484

Praise the Lord through every nation

wachet auf
Rhijnvis Feith, 1753-1824; James Montgomery, 1771-1854
Hans Sachs, 1494-1576; Philip Nicolai, 1556-1608; Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-1750

1 Praise the Lord through every nation; his holy arm hath wrought salvation; exalt him on his Father’s throne. Praise your King, ye Christian legions, who now prepares in heavenly regions unfailing mansions for his own: with voice and minstrelsy extol his majesty: Alleluia! His praise shall sound all nature round, and hymns on every tongue abound.

2 Jesus, Lord, our Captain glorious, o’er sin, and death, and hell victorious, wisdom and might to thee belong: we confess, proclaim, adore thee; we bow the knee, we fall before thee; thy love henceforth shall be our song. The cross meanwhile we bear, the crown ere long to wear: Alleluia! Thy reign extend world without end; let praise from all to thee ascend.

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