195 I've Been 'Buked

Lift Every Voice and Sing II 195

I've Been 'Buked

[i’ve been ’buked an’ i’ve been scorned]
Carl Haywood (b. 1949)
Text Source(s)
Tune Source(s)
Negro Spiritual

1 I’ve been ’buked an’ I’ve been scorned,

I’ve been ’buked an’ I’ve been scorned, children;

I’ve been ’buked an’ I’ve been scorned,

I’ve been talked about sho’s you’ born.

2 Dere is trouble all over dis worl’,

Dere is trouble all over dis worl’, children;

Dere is trouble all over dis worl’,

Dere is trouble all over dis worl’.

3 Ain’ gwine lay my ’ligion down,

Ain’ gwine lay my ’ligion down, children;

Ain’ gwine lay my ’ligion down,

Ain’ gwine lay my ’ligion down.

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