T53Once he came in blessinggottes sohn ist kommenWords: Jan Roh, 1485?-1547; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-1878Music: Michael Weisse, d. 1534; Jack W. Burnam, b. 19466.
T54Savior of the nations, comenun komm, der heiden heilandWords: Martin Luther, 1483-1546; Ambrose of Milan, 340-397; William M. Reynolds, 1812-1876; James Waring McCrady, b. 1938Music: Melchior vulpius, 1560?-16167.7.7.7HymnsAdvent
55Redeemer of the nations, comeveni redemptor gentiumWords: Ambrose of Milan, 340-397; Charles P. Price, b. 1920Music: David Hurd, b. 19508.8.8.8HymnsAdvent
T56Rejoice! Rejoice!veni, veni, emmanuelMusic: Thomas Helmore; Richard Proulx, b. 19378.8.8.8 with refrainHymnsAdvent
T57Lo! he comes, with clouds descendinghelmsleyWords: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788Music: Thomas Augustine Arne , 1710-1778; Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-19588.
T58Lo! he comes, with clouds descendingst. thomas (wade)Words: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788Music: John Francis Wade, 1711-1786; Vincent Francis Novello, 1781-18618.
T59Hark! a thrilling voice is soundingmertonMusic: William Henry Monk, 1823-1889; Alan Gray, 1855-19358.7.8.7HymnsAdvent
61“Sleepers, wake!” A voice astounds uswachet aufWords: Philipp Nicolai, 1556-1608; Carl P. Daw, Jr., b. 1944Music: Hans Sachs, 1494-1576; Philip Nicolai, 1556-1608; Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-1750IrregularHymnsAdvent
62“Sleepers, wake!” A voice astounds uswachet aufWords: Philipp Nicolai, 1556-1608; Carl P. Daw, Jr., b. 1944Music: Hans Sachs, 1494-1576; Philip Nicolai, 1556-1608; Jakob Praetorius, 1586-1651IrregularHymnsAdvent
63O heavenly Word, eternal Lightverbum supernum prodiensMusic: Howard Don Small, b. 19328.8.8.8HymnsAdvent
65Oh, blest is Christ that camebereden väg för herranWords: Frans Mikael Franzen, 1772-1847; Charles P. Price, b. 19207. with refrainHymnsAdvent
T66Come, thou long-expected JesusstuttgartWords: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788Music: William Henry Havergal, 1793-18708.7.8.7HymnsAdvent
T67Comfort, comfort ye my peoplepsalm 42 Words: Johann G. Olearius, 1611-1684; Catherin Winkworth, 1827-1878Music: Claude Goudimel, 1514-15728.
T68Rejoice! rejoice, believersllangloffanWords: Laurentius Laurenti, 1660-1722; Sarah B. Findlater, 1823-19087.6.7.6 DHymnsAdvent
69What is the crying at Jordan?st. mark’s, berkeleyWords: Carol Christopher Drake, b. 1933Music: Norman Mealy, b. 19238.8.8.6HymnsAdvent
70Sound the trumpet! Tell the message!herald, soundWords: Moir A. J. Waters, 1906-1980Music: Robert Powell, b. 19328.7.8.7 with refrainHymnsAdvent
T72Hark! the glad sound! the Savior comesrichmondWords: Philp Doddridge, 1702-1751Music: Thomas Haweis, 1734-1820; Samuel Webbe, 1740-1816; Craig Sellar Lang, 1891-19718.6.8.6HymnsAdvent
T73The King shall come when morning dawnsst. stephenWords: John Brownlie, 1859-1925Music: William Jones, 1726-18008.6.8.6HymnsAdvent
74Blest be the King whose comingvalet will ich dir gebenWords: Federico F. Pagura, b. 1923; F. Pratt Green, b. 1903Music: Melchior Teschner, 1584-1635; Ronald Arnatt, b. 19307.6.7.6 DHymnsAdvent
T75There’s a voice in the wilderness cryingascensionWords: James Lewis Milligan, 1876-1961Music: Henry Hugh Bancroft, b. 1904IrregularHymnsAdvent
T76On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s crywinchester newWords: Charles Coffin, 1676-1749; John Chandler, 1806-1876; Charles Winfred Douglas, 1867-1944Music: William Henry Monk, 1823-18898.8.8.8HymnsAdvent