T566From thee all skill and science flowthe church’s desolationWords: Charles Kingsley, 1819-1875Music: J. T. White, 19th cent.; C. H. Cayce, 19th-20th cent. DHymnsChristian Responsibility
T567Thine arm, O Lord, in days of oldst. matthewWords: Edward Hayes Plumptre, 1821-18918.6.8.6 DHymnsChristian Responsibility
568Father all loving, who rulest in majestywas lebetWords: Patrick Robert Norman Appleford, b. 1925Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-195812.10.12.10HymnsChristian Responsibility
T569God the Omnipotent! King who ordainestrussiaWords: Henry Fothergill Chorley, 1808-1872 ; John Ellerton, 1926-1893Music: Alexis Lvov, 1799-187011.10.11.9HymnsChristian Responsibility
570All who love and serve your citybirabusWords: Erik Routley, 1917-1982Music: Peter Cutts. b. 19378.7.8.7HymnsChristian Responsibility
571All who love and serve your citycharlestownWords: Erik Routley, 1917-1982Music: Alistair Cassels-Brown, b. 19278.7.8.7HymnsChristian Responsibility
572Weary of all trumpetingdistlerWords: Martin H. Franzmann, 1907-1976Music: Hugo Distler, 1908-1942; Richard Proulx, b. 19377.6.7.6 DHymnsChristian Responsibility
573Father eternal, Ruler of creationlanghamWords: Laurence Housman, 1865-1959Music: Geoffrey Turton Shaw, 1879-194311. Responsibility
T574Before thy throne, O Godst. petersburgWords: William Boyd Carpenter, 1841-1918Music: Dimitri S. Bortniansky , 1751-18258. Responsibility
T575Before thy throne, O Godvater unser in himmelreichWords: William Boyd Carpenter, 1841-1918Music: Martin Luther, 1483-1546; Hans Leo Hassler, 1564-16128. Responsibility
576God is love, and where true love is God himself is theremandatumWords: James Quinn, b. 1919Music: Richard Proulx, b. 193712.12.12.12 with refrainHymnsChristian Responsibility
577God is love, and where true love is God himself is thereuni cartas (murray)Words: James Quinn, b. 1919Music: A. Gregory Murray. b. 190512.12.12.12 with refrainHymnsChristian Responsibility
T578O God of love, O King of peaceelthamWords: Henry Williams Baker, 1821-1877Music: Nathaniel Gawthorn, 18th cent.; Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1810-18768.8.8.8HymnsChristian Responsibility
T579Almighty Father, strong to savemelitaWords: William Whiting, 1825-1878; Robert Nelson Spencer, 1877-1961Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823-18768. Responsibility
580God, who stretched the spangled heavensholy mannaWords: Catherine Cameron, b. 19278.7.8.7 DHymnsChristian Responsibility
581Where charity and love prevailcheshireWords: J. Clifford Evers, b. 19168.8.8.8HymnsChristian Responsibility
T582O holy city, seen of Johnsancta civitasWords: Walter Russell Bowie, 1882-1969Music: Herbert Howells, 1892-19838. Responsibility
T583O holy city, seen of Johnmorning songWords: Walter Russell Bowie, 1882-1969Music: Elkanah Kelsay Dare, 1782-1826; Thomas Foster, b. 19388. Responsibility
584God, you have given us power to soundculrossWords: George Wallace Briggs, 1875-19598.6.8.6HymnsChristian Responsibility
585Morning glory, starlit skybinghamWords: W. H. Vanstone, b. 1923Music: Dorothy Howell Sheets, b.19157.7.7.7HymnsChristian Responsibility
586Jesus, thou divine Companionpleading saviorWords: Henry Van Dyke, 1852-1933Music: Ricahrd Proulx, b. 19378.7.8.7 DHymnsChristian Responsibility
587Our Father, by whose NamerhosymedreWords: F. Bland Tucker, 1895-1984Music: John Edwards, 1806-18856. Responsibility
T588Almighty God, your word is castcall streetWords: John Cawood, 1775-1852Music: Roy Henry Johnson, b. 19338.6.8.6HymnsChristian Responsibility
T589Almighty God, your word is castwaldenWords: John Cawood, 1775-1852Music: Jane Manton Marshall, b. 19248.6.8.6HymnsChristian Responsibility
590O Jesus Christ, may grateful hymns be risingcharterhouseWords: Bradford Gray Webster, b. 1898Music: David Evans, 1874-194811.10.11.10HymnsChristian Responsibility
T591O God of earth and altarking’s lynnWords: Gilbert Keith Chesterton, 1874-1936Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-19587.6.7.6 DHymnsChristian Responsibility
T592Teach me, my God and KingcarlisleWords: George Herbert, 1593-1633Music: Charles Lockhart, 1745-18156.6.8.6HymnsChristian Responsibility
593Lord, make us servants of your peacedickinson collegeWords: James Quinn, b. 1919Music: Lee Hastings Bristol, Jr., 1923-19798.8.8.8HymnsChristian Responsibility
T594God of grace and God of glorycwm rhonddaWords: Harry Emerson Fosdick, 1878-1969Music: John Hughes, 1873-19328. Responsibility
T595God of grace and God of glorymannheimWords: Harry Emerson Fosdick, 1878-1969Music: Lowell Mason, 1792-18728. Responsibility
T596Judge eternal, throned in splendorkomm, o komm du geist des lebensWords: Henry Scott Holland, 1847-19188. Responsibility
597O day of peace that dimly shinesjerusalemWords: Carl P. Daw, Jr., b. 1944Music: Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, 1848-1918; Janet Wyatt, b. 19348.8.8.8 HymnsChristian Responsibility
598Lord Christ, when first thou cam’st to earthmit freuden zartWords: Walter Russell Bowie, 1882-1969Music: Heinrich Reimann, 19th cent.; Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-19588. Responsibility
T599Lift every voice and singlift every voiceWords: James Weldon Johnson, 1871-1938Music: J. Rosamond Johnson, 1873-1954 Responsibility
600O day of God, draw nighbellwoodsWords: Robert Balgarnie Young Scott, b. 1899Music: James Hopkirk, 1908-19726.6.8.6HymnsChristian Responsibility
601O day of God, draw nighst. michaelWords: Robert Balgarnie Young Scott, b. 1899Music: Louis Bourgeois, 1510?-1561?; William Henry Monk, 1823-18896.6.8.6HymnsChristian Responsibility
602Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your lovechereponi [jesu, jesu]Words: Thomas Stevenson Colvin, b. 1925Music: Thomas Stevenson Colvin, b. 1925IrregularHymnsChristian Responsibility
603When Christ was lifted from the earthst. botolphWords: Brian A. Wren, b. 1936Music: Gordon Slater, 1896-19798.6.8.6HymnsChristian Responsibility
604When Christ was lifted from the earthsan roccoWords: Brian A. Wren, b. 1936Music: Derek Williams, 1945- Responsibility
605What does the Lord requiresharpthorneWords: Albert F. Bayly, 1901-1984Music: Erik Routley, 1917-19826. Responsibility
606Where true charity and love dwellubi caritas (plainsong)Words: Joyce MacDonald Glover, b. 1923 Music: David Hurd, b. 195012.12.12.12 with refrainHymnsChristian Responsibility
607O God of every nationllangloffanWords: William Watkins Reid, Jr., b. 19237.6.7.6 DHymnsChristian Responsibility
T608Eternal Father, strong to savemelitaWords: William Whiting, 1825-1878Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823-18768. Responsibility
T609Where cross the crowded ways of lifegardinerWords: Frank Mason North, 1850-1935Music: William Gardiner, 1770-18538.8.8.8HymnsChristian Responsibility
610Lord, whose love through humble serviceblaenhafrenWords: Albert F. Bayly, 1901-19848.7.8.7 DHymnsChristian Responsibility
611Christ the workerafrican work songWords: Thomas Stevenson Colvin , b. 1925Music: Thomas Stevenson Colvin, b. 19254.4.4.9HymnsChristian Responsibility
T612Gracious Spirit, Holy GhosttroenWords: Christopher Wordsworth, 1807-1995Music: Daniel Moe, b. 19267.7.7.5HymnsChristian Responsibility