T77From east to west, from shore to shorevon himmel kam der engel scharWords: Caelius Sedulius, 5th cent.; John Ellerton, 1826-18938.8.8.8HymnsChristmas
T78O little town of Bethlehemforest greenWords: Phillips Brooks, 1835-1893Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-19588.6.8.6 DHymnsChristmas
T79O little town of Bethlehemst. louisWords: Phillips Brooks, 1835-1893Music: Lewis H. Redner, 1831-19088.6.8.6 DHymnsChristmas
80From heaven above to earth I comevon himmel hochWords: Martin Luther, 1483-1546Music: Hans Leo Hassler, 1564-16128.8.8.8HymnsChristmas
T81Lo, how a Rose e’er bloominges ist ein rosWords: Theodore Baker, 1851-1934; Friedrich Layritz, 1808-1859; Harriet Reynolds Krauth Spaeth, 1845-1925Music: Michael Praetorius, 1571-16217.
T82Of the Father’s love begottendivinum mysteriumWords: Marcus Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, 348-401?; John Mason Neale, 1818-1866; Henry Williams Baker, 1821-1877Music: Bruce Neswick, b. 19568. with refrainHymnsChristmas
T83O come, let us adore himadeste fidelesWords: John Francis Wade, 1711-1786; Frederick Oakeley, 1802-1880Music: John Francis Wade, 1711-1786IrregularHymnsChristmas
T84Love came down at ChristmasgartanWords: Christina Rossetti, 1830-1894Music: David Evans, 1874-19486.7.6.7HymnsChristmas
85O Savior of our fallen racechriste, redeptor omniumWords: Gilbert E. Doan, b. 1930Music: Bruce Neswick, b. 19568.8.8.8HymnsChristmas
86O Savior of our fallen racegonfalon royalWords: Gilbert E. Doan, b. 1930Music: Percy Carter Buck, 1871-19478.8.8.8HymnsChristmas
T87Hark! the herald angels singmendelssohnWords: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788Music: Felix Mendelssohn, 1809-1847; William H. Cummings, 1831-19157.7.7.7 D with refrainHymnsChristmas
T88Sing, O sing, this blessed mornengland’s laneWords: Christopher Wordsworth, 1807-1855Music: Geoffrey Turton Shaw, 1879-19437.
T89It came upon the midnight clearcarolWords: Edmund H. Sears, 1810-1876Music: Richard Storrs Willis, 1819-19008.6.8.6 DHymnsChristmas
T90It came upon the midnight clearnoelWords: Edmund H. Sears, 1810-1876Music: Arthur Seymour Sullivan, 1842-19008.6.8.6 DHymnsChristmas
91Break forth, O beauteous heavenly lightermuntre dichWords: Johann Rist, 1607-1667Music: Johann Schop, d. 1665?; Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-17508.
92Ideo, Ideopersonent hodieWords: Jane M. Joseph, 1894-1929Music: Gustav Theodore Holst, 1874-19346.6HymnsChristmas
T93come and worship, come and worshipregent squareWords: James Montgomery, 1771-1854,Music: Henry Thomas Smart, 1813-18798.
T94While shepherds watched their flocks by nightwinchester oldWords: Nahym Tate, 1625-1715Music: Craig Sellar Lang, 1891-19718.6.8.6HymnsChristmas
T95While shepherds watched their flocks by nighthampton (robinson)Words: Nahum Tate, 1625-1715Music: MacNeil Robinson II, b. 19438.6.8.6HymnsChristmas
96Gloria in excelsis DeogloriaWords: James Chadwick 1813-1882Music: Edward Shippen Barnes, 1887-19587.7.7.7 with refrainHymnsChristmas
T97Dost thou in a manger liedies est laetitiaeWords: Jean Mauburn, 1460-1503; Elizabeth Rundle Charles, 1828-1896Music: Jack W. Burnam, b. 19467.
T98Unto us a boy is bornpuer nobis nasciturWords: Percy Dearmer, 1867-1936Music: Geoffrey Turton Shaw, 1879-19437.7.7.7HymnsChristmas
T99Go tell it on the mountaingo tell it on the mountainWords: John W. Work, b. 1901Music: Horace Clarence Boyer, b. 19357.6.7.6 with refrainHymnsChristmas
T100Joy to the world! the Lord is comeantiochWords: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748Music: George Frederic Handel, 1685-1759; Lowell Mason, 1792-18728.6.8.6 DHymnsChristmas
T101Away in a manger, no crib for his bedcradle songMusic: William James Kirkpatrick, 1838-1921; Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-195811.11.11.11HymnsChristmas
T102Once in royal David’s cityirbyWords: Cecil Frances Alexander, 1818-1895; James Waring McCrady, b. 1938Music: Henry John Gauntlett, 1805-1876; Arthur Henry Mann, 1850-19298.
103Come, join the angel throngpuer natus in bethlehemWords: Ruth Fox Hume, 1922-1980Music: David Hurd, b. 19508.8 with alleluias and refrainHymnsChristmas
104A stable lamp is lightedandújarWords: Richard Wilbur, b. 1921Music: David Hurd, b. 19507.
105O tidings of comfort and joygod rest you merryMusic: Charles Winfred Douglas, 1867-19447. with refrainHymnsChristmas
T106Christians, awake, salute the happy mornyorkshireWords: John Byrom, 1692-1763Music: John Wainwright, 1723-176810.
T107Good Christian friends, rejoicein dulci jubiloWords: John Mason Neale, 1818-1866Music: Charles Winfred Douglas, 1867-19446.
T108Now yield we thanks and praise to Christwas frag’ ich nach der weltWords: Howard Chandler, Robbins, 1876-1952Music: Ahasuerus Fritsch, 1629-1701; Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-17596.
T109Nowell, Nowell, Nowell, Nowellthe first nowellMusic: John Stainer, 1840-1901; Healey Willan, 1880-1968Irregular with refrainHymnsChristmas
T110Venite adoremus Dominumvenite adoremusMusic: Charles Winfred Douglas, 1867-1944; Leo Sowerby, 1895-1968Irregular with refrainHymnsChristmas
T111Silent night, holy nightstille nachtWords: Joseph Mohr, 1792-1848; John Freeman Young, 1820-1885Music: Franz Xaver Gruber, 1787-1863; Carl H. Reinecke, 1824-1910IrregularHymnsChristmas
T112In the bleak midwintercranhamWords: Christina Rossetti, 1830-1894Music: Gustav Theodore Holstm 1874-1934IrregularHymnsChristmas
113A la ru, a la mèa la ruWords: John Donald Robb, b. 1892Music: John Donald Robb, b. 1892Irregular with refrainHymnsChristmas
114Jesus your King is bornune jeune pucelleWords: Jesse Edgar Middleton, 1872-1960Music: Frederick Jackisch, b. 19228. with refrainHymnsChristmas
T115This, this is Christ the KinggreensleevesWords: William Chatterton Dix, 1837-18988.7.8.7 with refrainHymnsChristmas