T300Glory, love, and praise, and honorbenifoldWords: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788Music: Francis B. Westbrook (1903-1975) DHymnsHoly Eucharist
T301Bread of the world, in mercy brokenrendez à dieuWords: Reginald Heber, 1783-1826Music: Louis Bourgeois, 1510?-1561?; Claude Goudimel, 1514-15729.8.9.8 DHymnsHoly Eucharist
302Father, we thank thee who hast plantedrendez à dieuWords: F. Bland Tucker, 1895-1984Music: Louis Bourgeois, 1510?-1561? DHymnsHoly Eucharist
303Father, we thank thee who hast plantedalbrightWords: F. Bland Tucker, 1895-1984Music: William Albright, b. 19449.8.9.8HymnsHoly Eucharist
304I come with joy to meet my Lordland of restWords: Brian A. Wren, 1936-Music: Annabel Morris Buchanan, 1889-19838.6.8.6HymnsHoly Eucharist
305Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guestrosedaleWords: George Wallace Briggs, 1875-1959Music: Leo Sowerby, 1895-196810.10.10.10HymnsHoly Eucharist
306Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guestsursum cordaWords: George Wallace Briggs, 1875-1959Music: Alfred Morton Smith, 1879-197110.10.10.10HymnsHoly Eucharist
T307Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendorbryn calfariaWords: George Hugh Bourne, 1840-1925 Music: William Owen, 1813-18938. Eucharist
T308O Food to pilgrims givenpsalm 6Words: John Athelstan Lurie Riley, 1858-19457.7.6 DHymnsHoly Eucharist
T309O Food to pilgrims giveno welt, ich muss dich lassenWords: John Athelstan Lurie Riley, 1858-1945Music: Heinrich Isaac, 1858-1945; Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-17507.7.6 DHymnsHoly Eucharist
T310O saving Victim, opening wideherr jesu christWords: Thomas Aquinas, 1225?-1274; Edward Caswall, 1814-1878Music: Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-17508.8.8.8HymnsHoly Eucharist
T311O saving Victim, opening wideverbum supernum prodiensWords: Thomas Aquinas, 1225?-1274; Edward Caswall, 1814-1878Music: Roy Kehl, b. 19358.8.8.8HymnsHoly Eucharist
T312Strengthen for service, Lord, the handsmalabarWords: Charles William Humphreys, 1840-1921 ; Percy Dearmer, 1867-1936Music: David McKinley Williams, 1887-19788.7.8.7HymnsHoly Eucharist
T313Let thy Blood in mercy pouredjesus, mein zubersichtWords: John Brownlie, 1859-1925Music: Johann Cruger, 1598-16627. Eucharist
314Humbly I adore thee, Verity unseenadoro devoteWords: Thomas Aquinas, 1225?-1274Music: Charles Winfred Douglas, 1867-194411.11.11.11HymnsHoly Eucharist
T315Thou, who at thy first Eucharist praysong 1Words: William Harry Turton, 1856-1938Music: Orland Gibbons, 1583-1625; Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-195810. Eucharist
T316This is the hour of banquet and of songcanticum refectionisWords: Horatius Bonar, 1808-889Music: David McKinley Williams, 1887-197810.10.10.10HymnsHoly Eucharist
T317This is the hour of banquet and of songmoresteadWords: Horatius Bonar, 1808-1889 Music: Sidney Watson, b. 190310.10.10.10HymnsHoly Eucharist
T318Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to facenyackWords: Horatius Bonar, 1808-1889 Music: Warren Swenson, b. 193710.10.10.10HymnsHoly Eucharist
319You, Lord, we praise in songs of celebrationgott sei gelobetWords: Russell Schulz-Widmar, b. 1944; Martin Luther, 1483-1546Music: Hans Leo Hassler, 1564-1612IrregularHymnsHoly Eucharist
320Zion, praise thy Savior, singinglauda sion salvatoremWords: Thomas Aquinas, 1225?-1274Music: David Hurd, b. 19508. Eucharist
T321My God, thy table now is spreadrockinghamWords: Philip Doddridge, 1702-1751; Isaac Watts, 1674-1748Music: Edward Miller, 1731-1807; Samuel Webbe, 1740-18168.8.8.8HymnsHoly Eucharist
T322When Jesus died to save ustuckerWords: F. Bland Tucker, 1895-1984; John Donne, 1573-1631Music: David Hurd, b. 19507.7.7.7HymnsHoly Eucharist
T323Bread of heaven, on thee we feedjesu, jesu, du mein hirtWords: Josiah Conder, 1789-1855Music: Paul Heinlein, 1626-16867. Eucharist
T324Let all mortal flesh keep silencepicardyWords: Gerard Moultrie, 1829-18858. Eucharist
T325when I fall on my kneeslet us break breadMusic: David Hurd, b. 195010.10 with refrainHymnsHoly Eucharist
T326From glory to glory advancing, we praise thee, O Lordst. keverneWords: Charles William Humphreys, 1840-1921 Music: Craig Sellar Lang, 1891-197114.14.14.15HymnsHoly Eucharist
T327Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lordpalmer churchWords: John Mason Neale, 1818-1866Music: David Ashley White, b. 194410.1HymnsHoly Eucharist
T328Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lordsong 46Words: John Mason Neale, 1818-1866Music: Orlando Gibbons, 1583-162510.1HymnsHoly Eucharist
329Now, my tongue, the mystery tellingpange linguaWords: Thomas Aquinas, 1225?-1274Music: Jackson Hill, b. 19418. Eucharist
330Therefore we, before him bendingtantum ergo sacramentumWords: Thomas Aquinas, 1225?-12748. Eucharist
331Now, my tongue, the mystery tellinggraftonWords: Thomas Aquinas, 1225?-12748. Eucharist
333Now the silence Now the peacenowWords: Jaroslav J Vajda, b. 1919Music: Carl Fletge Schalk, b. 1929IrregularHymnsHoly Eucharist
334Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicingalles ist an gottes segenWords: Howard Charles Adie Gaunt, b. 1902Music: Johann Balthasar König, 1691-1758; Johann Löhner, 1645-1705; Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-17508. Eucharist
335And I will raise them upi am the bread of lifeWords: Suzanne Toolan, b. 1927Music: Suzanne Toolan, b. 1927; Betty Pulkingham, b. 1928Irregular with refrainHymnsHoly Eucharist
336Come with us, O blessed Jesuswerde munterWords: John Henry Hopkins, Jr., 1820-1891; Charles P. Price, b. 1920Music: Johann Schop, d. 1665?; Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-17508.7.8.7 DHymnsHoly Eucharist
T337And now, O Father, mindful of the loveunde et memoresWords: William Bright, 1824-1901Music: William Henry Monk, 1823-188910. Eucharist
T338Wherefore, O Father, we thy humble servants herelobt den herrenWords: William Henry Hammond Jervois, 1852-1905Music: Friedrich Layriz, 1808-185911.11.11.5HymnsHoly Eucharist
T339Deck thyself, my soul, with gladnessschmücke dichWords: Johann Franck, 1618-1677; Catherine Winkworth, 1827-1878Music: Johann Cruger, 1598-16628.8.8.8 HymnsHoly Eucharist
T340For the bread which you have brokenbeng-liWords: Louis F. Benson, 1855-1930Music: I-to Loh, b. 19368.7.8.7HymnsHoly Eucharist
T341For the bread which you have brokenomni dieWords: Louis F. Benson, 1855-1930Music: William Smith Rockstro, 1823-18958.7.8.7HymnsHoly Eucharist
342O Bread of life, for sinners brokensheng enWords: Timothy T’ing Fang Lew, 1892-1947; Frank W. Price, 1895-1974Music: Su Yin-Lan, 20th cent. Eucharist
T343Shepherd of souls, refresh and blessst. agnesWords: James Montgomery, 1771-1854Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823-1876; Richard Proulx, b. 19378.6.8.6HymnsHoly Eucharist
T344Lord, dismiss us with thy blessingsicilian marinersWords: John Fawcett, 1739/40-18178. Eucharist
T345Savior, again to thy dear Name we raiseellersWords: John Ellerton, 1826-1893Music: Edward John Hopkins, 1818-1901 Eucharist
346Completed, Lord, the Holy Mysteriessong 4Words: Cyril E. Pocknee, 1906-1980Music: Orlando Gibbons, 1583-162510.10.10.10HymnsHoly Eucharist
347Go forth for God, go to the world in peacelittonWords: John Raphael Peacey, 1896-1971Music: Erik Routley, 1917-198210.10.10.10HymnsHoly Eucharist