T626Lord, be thy word my rulequam dilectaWords: Christopher Wordsworth, 1807-1885Music: Henry Lascelles Jenner, 1820-18986.6.6.6HymnsHoly Scripture
T627Lamp of our feet, whereby we tracenun danket all und bringet ehrWords: Bernard Barton, 1784-1849Music: Johann Cruger, 1598-16628.6.8.6HymnsHoly Scripture
628Help us, O Lord, to learn the truthsst. ethelwaldWords: William Watkins Reid, Jr., b. 1923Music: William Henry Monk, 1823-18896.6.8.6HymnsHoly Scripture
T629We limit not the truth of GodhalifaxWords: George Rawson, 1807-1889Music: George Frideric Handel, 1685-1759; David Hurd, b. 19508.6.8.6 DHymnsHoly Scripture
630Thanks to God whose Word was spokenwylde greenWords: R. T. Brooks, b. 1918Music: Peter Cutts, b. 19378.7.8.7 with refrainHymnsHoly Scripture
631Book of books, our people’s strengthliebster jesuWords: Percy Dearmer, 1867-1936Music: Johann Rudolph Ahle, 1625-1673 ; George Herbert Palmer, 1846-19267. Scripture
T632O Christ, the Word IncarnatemunichWords: William Walsham How, 1823-1897Music: Felix Mendelssohn, 1809-18477.6.7.6 DHymnsHoly Scripture
633Word of God, come down on earthmt. st. alban ncaWords: James Quinn, b. 1919Music: Richard Wayne Dirksen, b. 19217. Scripture
T634I call on thee, Lord Jesus Christich ruf zu dirWords: Miles Coverdale, 1487-1568IrregularHymnsHoly Scripture