223Hail this joyful day’s returnbeata nobis gaudiaWords: Hilary of Poitiers, 4th cent.; Robert Campbell, 1814-18687.7.7.7HymnsPentecost
224Hail this joyful day’s returnsonne der gerechtigkeitWords: Hilary of Poitiers, 4th cent.; Robert Campbell, 1814-1868Music: Jan O. Bender, b. 19097.7.7.7 with alleluiasHymnsPentecost
T225Hail thee, festival daysalve festa diesWords: Venantius Honorius Fortunatus, 540?-600?Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958IrregularHymnsPentecost
226Come, thou Holy Spirit brightveni sancte spiritusWords: Charles P. Price, b. 1920Music: Adriaan Engels, b. 19067.
227Come, thou Holy Spirit brightarbor streetWords: Charles P. Price, b. 1920Music: William Albright, b. 19447.
228Holy Spirit, font of lightwebbeWords: John Webster Grant, b. 1919Music: Samuel Webbe, 1740-18167.
T229Spirit of mercy, truth, and lovecornishWords: AnonymousMusic: M. Lee Suitor, b. 19428.8.8.8HymnsPentecost
230A mighty sound from heavensong of the holy spiritWords: George B. Timms, b. 1910Music: Alec Wyton, b. 19217.