517How lovely is thy dwelling placebrother james’ airWords: Carl P. Daw, Jr., b. 1944Music: J. L. Macbeth Bain, 1840?-19258. Church
T518Christ is made the sure foundationwestminster abbeyWords: John Mason Neale, 1818-1866Music: Henry Purcell, 1659-1695; James Gillespie, b. 19298. Church
T519Blessed city, heavenly Salemurbs beata jerusalemWords: John Mason Neale, 1818-1866Music: Charles Winfred Douglas, 1867-19448. Church
T520Blessed city, heavenly SalemorielWords: John Mason Neale, 1818-1866Music: Caspar Ett , 1788-18478. Church
T521Put forth, O God, thy Spirit’s mightchelsea squareWords: Howard Chandler Robbins, 1876-1952Music: Howard Chandler Robbins, 1876-1952; Ray Francis Brown, 1897-1964; Lois Fyfe, b. 19278.6.8.6HymnsThe Church
T522Glorious things of thee are spokenaustriaWords: John Newton, 1725-1807Music: Franz Joseph Haydn, 1732-1809; Michael E. Young, b. 19398.7.8.7 DHymnsThe Church
T523Glorious things of thee are spokenabbot’s leighWords: John Newton, 1725-1807Music: Cyril Vincent Taylor, 1907- DHymnsThe Church
T524I love thy kingdom, Lordst. thomas (williams)Words: Timothy Dwight , 1725-1817Music: Aaron Williams, 1731-1776; Lowell Mason, 1792-18726.6.8.6HymnsThe Church
T525The Church’s one foundationaureliaWords: Samuel John Stone, 1839-1900Music: Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1810-18767.6.7.6 DHymnsThe Church
T526Let saints on earth in concert singdundeeWords: Charles Wesley, 1707-1788Music: Thomas Ravenscroft, 1592?-1635? Church
T527Singing songs of expectationton-y-botelWords: Bernard Severin Ingemann, 1789-1862; Sabine Baring-Gould, 1834-1924Music: Thomas John Williams, 1869-19448.7.8.7 DHymnsThe Church