153Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the LordHymnsThe Liturgy of the PalmsOpening AnthemBlessing over the BranchesAt the Procession
T154All glory, laud, and honorvalet will ich dir gebenWords: Theodulph of Orleans, d. 821; John Mason Neale, 1818-1866Music: Melchior Teschner, 1584-1635; William Henry Monk, 1823-18897.6.7.6 DHymnsThe Liturgy of the PalmsThe Liturgy of the Palms: Processional
T155All glory, laud, and honorgloria, laus et honorWords: Theodulph of Orleans, d. 821; John Mason Neale, 1818-1866Music: Richard Proulx, b. 19377.6.7.6 with refrainHymnsThe Liturgy of the PalmsThe Liturgy of the Palms: Processional
T156Ride on! ride on in majestythe king’s majestyWords: Henry Hart Milman, 1791-1868Music: Graham George, b. 19128.8.8.8HymnsThe Liturgy of the PalmsThe Liturgy of the Palms: Processional
T157Hosanna in the highestMusic: Howard E. Galley, b. 1929HymnsThe Liturgy of the PalmsThe Liturgy of the Palms: Processional