For the Burial of a Child

The Death of an Infant

God our Creator, you called into being this fragile life, which had seemed to us so full of promise: give to N., whom we commit to your care, abundant life in your presence, and to us, who grieve for hopes destroyed, courage to bear our loss; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

For a Miscarriage

O God, who gathered Rachel’s tears over her lost children, hear now the sorrow and distress of N. [and N.] for the death of their/her/his expected child; in the darkness of loss, stretch out to them/her/him the strength of your arm and renewed assurance of your love; through your own suffering and risen Child Jesus. Amen.

For a Stillbirth or Child Who Dies Soon after Birth

Heavenly Father, your love for all children is strong and enduring. We were not able to know N. as we hoped. Yet you knew her/him growing in her/his mother’s womb, and she/he is not lost to you. In the midst of our sadness, we thank you that N. is with you now. Amen.

For a Mother Whose Child has Died Near Birth

Loving God, we thank you that in your mercy you brought your daughter N. through childbirth in safety. We pray that N. [and N.] will know your support in this time of trouble and enjoy your protection always; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.


For a Child Who Dies by Violence

Loving God, Jesus gathered your little ones in his arms and blessed them. Have pity on those who mourn for N., an innocent slaughtered by the violence of our fallen world. Be with us as we struggle with the mysteries of life and death; in our pain, bring your comfort, and in our sorrow, bring your hope and your promise of new life, in the name of Jesus our Savior. Amen.

For a Child Who Dies by Violence

God our deliverer, gather our horror and pity for the death of your child N. into the compass of your wisdom and strength, that through the night we may seek and do what is right, and when morning comes trust ourselves to your cleansing justice and new life; through Christ our Savior. Amen.

For a Child Who Dies by Violence

God, do not hide your face from us in our anger and grief for the death of N. Renew us in hope that your justice will roll down like mighty waters and joy spring up from the broken ground in a living stream; through Jesus our Savior. Amen.

For One Who has Killed

Holy God, we lift into the light of your justice N. [the one] who has taken the life of your child N. Where our hearts are stone return to us hearts of flesh; that grief may not swallow us up, but new life find us through Jesus the crucified, with whom we are raised by your power. Amen.

For Those Who Mourn

God of compassion and strength: keep safe the soul of your child N., whose moment of pain and fear is past. Send your healing to N. [and N.] and all who mourn, that their suffering may find peace and resolution within your love, whose Spirit gives life in Christ our Savior. Amen.

For Those Who Mourn

Most loving God: the death of your Son has opened to us a new and living way. Give us hope to overcome our despair; help us to surrender N. to your keeping, and let our sorrow find comfort in your care; through the name and presence of Jesus our Savior Amen.

For Those Who Mourn

God, as Mary stood at the foot of the cross, we stand before you with broken hearts and tearful eyes. Keep us mindful that you know our pain, and free us to see your resurrection power already at work in N.’s life. In your time, raise us from our grief as you have raised N. to eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

For Those Who Mourn

Merciful God, you grant to children an abundant entrance into your kingdom. In your compassion, comfort those who mourn for N., and grant us grace to conform our lives to her/his innocence and faith, that at length, united with her/him, we may stand in your presence in the fullness of joy; for the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen.

For a Child Dead by Suicide

Out of the depths we cry to you, merciful God, for your child N., dead by her/his own hand. Meet our confusion with your peace, our anger with forgiveness, our guilt with mercy, and our sorrow with consolation. Help us acknowledge the mystery that our lives are hid with Christ in you, whose compassion is over all whom you have made. Amen.

For a Child Dead by Suicide

All-knowing and eternal God, come to our help as we mourn for N., dead by her/his own hand. We know only in part, we love imperfectly, and we fail to ease one another’s pain as you intend. But you are the God whose property is always to have mercy, and so we put our trust in you and ask the courage to go on; through our Savior Christ, who suffered for us, and whom you raised to new life. Amen.