37 O brightness of the immortal Father’s face

The Hymnal 1982 37

O brightness of the immortal Father’s face

evening hymn (near)
Edward W. Eddis, 1825-1905
Gerald Near, b. 1942
Text Source(s)
Greek, 3rd cent. O Gracious Light (para.)

1 O Brightness of the immortal Father’s face, most holy, heavenly, blest, Lord Jesus Christ, in whom his truth and grace are visibly expressed:

2 The sun is sinking now, and one by one the lamps of evening shine; we hymn the eternal Father, and the Son, and Holy Ghost divine.

3 Worthy art thou at all times to receive our hallowed praises, Lord. O Son of God, be thou, in whom we live, through all the world adored.

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