47 On this day, the first of days

The Hymnal 1982 47

On this day, the first of days

gott sei dank
Henry Williams Baker, 1821-1877
William Henry Havergal, 1793-1870
Text Source(s)
Tune Source(s)
Geistriches Gesangbuch, 1704 (melody)

1 On this day, the first of days, God the Father’s Name we praise, who, creation’s Lord and spring, did the world from darkness bring.

2 On this day the eternal Son over death his triumph won; on this day the Spirit came with his gifts of living flame.

3 Maker, who didst fashion me image of thyself to be, fill me with thy love divine, let my every thought be thine.

4 Holy Jesus, may I be dead and buried here with thee; and, by love inflamed, arise unto thee a sacrifice.

5 Thou who dost all gifts impart, shine, blest Spirit, in my heart; best of gifts, thyself bestow; make me burn thy love to know.

6 God, the blessed Three in One, dwell within my heart alone; thou dost give thyself to me: may I give myself to thee.

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